What is College Prep?

College Prep Academy is a service that helps provide guidance to online resources to meet academic needs and/or goals. All schooling is outsourced with various online services. Students will follow an application/interview process to ensure an understanding of their individualized needs.

How does College Prep Academy help the student?

College Prep Academy is a service that combines academic planning, academic needs and goals utilizing various online services.  Programs will be "Individualized" academically for each student to help them meet their individualized academic goals.   College Prep Academy will create a plan that includes Academic Rigor with Convenience and Flexibility.

How does College Prep Academy help an athlete?

College Prep Academy is a combination of academic planning and full use of state of the art training facilities of Sport Courts Fitness. Programs will be "Individualized" academically and athletically for each student to help meet the demands and goals for the student athlete. College Prep Academy will create a plan that includes Academic Rigor with Convenience and Flexibility.

Do I need to play sports to attend College Prep?

No, College Prep Academy provides guidance based on your goals. A plan will be created to meet those goals.

What type of student will utilize College Prep Academy?

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What is "Post Grad / Gap Year"

This program or otherwise known as "Gap Year" is designed for high school and high school graduates that would like to improve their academic profile. This program will also give the student athlete a year of intense "specific" athletic training, without compromising their NCAA eligibility. \ Online courses chosen will be based on student needs and/or goals and designed for individualized attention.

What is "Sport-Specific" training?

Student athletes will train "sport specific" in our state-of-the-art training facility. Programs will be designed for athletes to be tested to meet goals based on their individual sports. This professional environment helps refine needed skill sets to compete at a professional or collegiate level.